Saginaw ISD's Early On Program is Michigan's system of coordinating early intervention services for children from birth to age 3 who may have a developmental delay or medical condition that could lead to a delay in school readiness. It fulfills the federal mandate known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Growing and learning are your child's most important jobs. Sometimes parents notice that their infant or toddler does not seem to be at the same stage of development as other children the same age. Identifying concerns can begin at home. Early identification of possible problems can lead to early interventions and supports so each child can be more successful.
For more information, contact Meghan Shepard, Early On Supervisor, by emailing mshepard@sisd.cc or calling (989) 249-8712, or contact Linda Heitkamp, Data Systems Specialist, by emailing lheitkamp@sisd.cc or calling (989) 399-7476.